

策驰影视第一时间收录《妒忌》并提供免费在线观看。《妒忌》上映于 2010年,是一部加拿大制片出品,由Sophie Cadieux,Maxime Denommée,Benoît Gouin等主演的剧情片,对白语言为法语。

  Thomas and Marianne, a feuding couple whose relationship has hit a wall, decide to spend a weekend at Thomas’s uncle’s lakeside cottage. This is their last chance to save their relationship, which has been jeopardized by Marianne’s meaningless flirtations and Thomas’s uncontrollable jealousy. As they arrive, a restless yet charming neighbour welcomes them into their house and, realizing that Thomas’s uncle and girlfriend will not be showing up for days, suggests they share the dinner he has prepared. The drunken night that follows – with this man, who might not be who he seems to be, pushing his charms on Marianne – leads to a weekend of blurred emotions and events, where loyalties, guilt and a shared secret will test the young couple’s ability to survive.
  Along the way, flashbacks shed light on events that unfold, as Demers – who won the prize for Best Canadian Short Film at the Festival in 1999 for Décharge – begins to introduce information about each character in order to build doubt and ramp up the tension. Jaloux is a tour de force in both its European mood and style and its North American subject and nature, a result which could not have been achieved without the self-assured skills of an expert filmmaker.


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魏宗万 宁静 应结伦


曹蓬 郭靖 张伟克 梅言平 姜丽丽 安国臣 许传义 李苒苒 何世贤 时喜明 刘铁胜 赵玉兰 王洪义 李作凯


扎克·埃夫隆 艾米丽·拉塔科斯基 希罗·弗南德兹 亚历克斯·沙弗尔 乔尼·维斯顿 韦斯·本特利 乔·博恩瑟 瓦妮萨·洛金斯 艾丽莎·科波拉 莫莉·哈根 瑞贝卡·福斯蒂


洪金宝 林敏骢 张继聪 王菀之 林盛斌 恬妞 梁小龙 林雪 泰迪·罗宾 吴耀汉 黄尧 邹文正 杜宇航 邵音音 吴嘉龙 沈震轩 李静仪 庄锶敏 庄韵澄 劳浩羽 顾定轩 卢慧敏 刘芷希 张启乐


陈丽娜 周铁 任笑霏
