

策驰影视第一时间收录《与时间独斗》并提供免费在线观看。《与时间独斗》上映于 2016年,是一部其它制片出品,由雅尼娜·福茨,村田祐基,蒂米·特林克斯等主演的剧情片,对白语言为其它。

  On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...
  Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and Sophie are on a class trip to "boring" Hildesheim. Their schedule includes visiting the medieval cathedral and witnessing a complete solar eclipse, but destiny intervenes… A bomb goes off at the cathedral and the students are evacuated by the police, only to find themselves in the clutches of an occult secret society calling themselves the Lunaris Cult, who aim to use an ancient pagan artifact, the Irminsul, to harness the vital force of their teenage captives and use it for their own purposes on the eclipse. The evil cultists are after immortality and divine power, and are even prepared to sacrifice the friends' lives.
  Ben and his gang manages to escape. Chased from one danger to the next, the cultists pursue them, closing in on them more and more. The fanatics have it all planned out, it seems, leaving nothing to chance. They disable the cell phone networks and satellite connections, leaving the friends to fend for themselves …


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吉莲·安德森 凯莉·霍威 比莉·派佩 卢夫斯·塞维尔 萝玛拉·嘉瑞 伊芙·海因德 理查德·古尔丁 加文·斯派克 蒂姆·本廷克 罗非洛·迪格托勒 迪韦恩·托马斯 保罗·帕波维尔 Nigel Finnissy 泰·赫尔利 Theresa Godly Jordan Kouamé Daniel Charles Doherty Nicholas A. Newman Mielé Houska-Mitchell Poppy Beck


魏宗万 宁静 应结伦


曹蓬 郭靖 张伟克 梅言平 姜丽丽 安国臣 许传义 李苒苒 何世贤 时喜明 刘铁胜 赵玉兰 王洪义 李作凯


扎克·埃夫隆 艾米丽·拉塔科斯基 希罗·弗南德兹 亚历克斯·沙弗尔 乔尼·维斯顿 韦斯·本特利 乔·博恩瑟 瓦妮萨·洛金斯 艾丽莎·科波拉 莫莉·哈根 瑞贝卡·福斯蒂


洪金宝 林敏骢 张继聪 王菀之 林盛斌 恬妞 梁小龙 林雪 泰迪·罗宾 吴耀汉 黄尧 邹文正 杜宇航 邵音音 吴嘉龙 沈震轩 李静仪 庄锶敏 庄韵澄 劳浩羽 顾定轩 卢慧敏 刘芷希 张启乐


陈丽娜 周铁 任笑霏
